For those Wanting to Powerfully Create their Lives

Uncategorized Sep 24, 2017

Do you believe, "what will be will be"? Do you feel like you just want to "go with the flow"?

I myself used to be a FIRM believer in the two above affirmations. It became a bit of an identityfor me actually, this sense of free-flowing.

This really worked for me, it instilled a free spirited magic in my being... leaving me fearlessly trusting and open to life. Yet I can feel the hunger growing in my belly for a fuller expression, like a tigress on the hunt.

And I've been discovering lately that the hunt I am on is the reclamation of my POWER.

Although those beliefs above are well and good, I embraced them as a little girl out of an act of rebellion. Which makes me laugh, because for many years I'd pride myself on my trust and easiness, and receive acknowledgment from others, but when I dug deeper, I saw that it actually came from a very protective place.

Because I had felt so out of control of my life as  a little girl, because there were situations where I didn't feel safe or heard, because I felt like I couldn't stop the things I didn't like in my reality, abuse or pain or fear... I embraced an outlook of, "what will be will be" where I traded in my tigress for a butterfly. I took it on so fiercely and made it work for me, so that nothing could hurt me. I did this for so long that I actually forgot I was doing it.

I don't believe it has been a detriment to me at all, in fact I am so grateful that my younger self was able to make that decision instead of something more depressing. It's just that, I can see how it has prohibited me from confidently taking powerful ACTION.

You see... if one is happy to "let it be", or "go with the flow"... they never let their TIGER out. They never let the hunger of the hunt set them loose after their goals, dreams, ambitions, or expansions. One can fall into a very seductive place of "thinking" or "wishing and hoping". I say it because I know it, I'd rely mostly on visualising and intention... skipping over the fiery action. I actually thought action wasn't necessary and I could will things to me. 

Can you relate to this? 

There is nothing innately wrong with this way of being, because its fully up to the individual. But I am learning and growing so INCREDIBLY in my life right now by marrying the two: intention AND fiery action. 

When we bring our fiery action to the table and say "this is what I am going to do" rather than, "whatever will be will be"... we access a POWERHOUSE within us we may not have even known we had.

And I really believe that this is how we make lasting and meaningful changes in our lives, relationships, careers, and world!

The tigress in me has been caged up so long though, so I'm reintegrating and learning her ways. It's not always easy, and something she rips through me, or drains me, or makes me scared and small. But I commit again and again each time. Because I no longer want to "go with the flow"... I want to CREATE the flow! I want to feel my wholesome power than can shake the world.

I want to create my life powerfully, with spirit and with fire.

We live in a world in which history is continually repeating itself, we run like the hands on the clock, shifting positions.. new year, but same story from years past. Often condemning something now, which will be re-embraced later on. 

These cycles can feel listless and create within a sense of powerlessness. But I can see now how these cultural cues are starting to disintegrate, crumble and tarnish. Doors are opening and we have the chance to make NEW choices, choices that may go against Everything we think we know. WE change history when we make a new trail, not the one that is already trodden and pulling you along... but the one that is wild, it whispers out to you calling your name, haunting your soul so sweetly... beckoning for you to ROAR.


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