Mayan Dreamspell Report | Love is on the Radar!

dreamspell Nov 09, 2017

13 days of Unconditional love, Heart-opening, and Fierce loyalty to ones passion.

Embrace your vulnerability. Allow yourself to love and be loved. Find where your loyalties lie.

Chase your dreams and fill your love-tank. Also, make sure to have your own personal Mayan Chart reading to dive deep and discover your unique gifts and magic.

November 9 : White Magnetic Dog

Do I lock my love away? Or do I let it shine Outward? Be Ware of how you close off to the world and deny yourself and others love

November 10 : Blue Lunar Monkey 

Can I see the challenge I face with others in relationship are purely there to help me grow?
Look for the humour and the wisdom in the challenges. Try to bring light to the situation, and you can’t …. Let it go 



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