The Truth About Self-Care... or Lack Thereof

Uncategorized Sep 22, 2017

There are so many things we "know" to be good for us, or things that bring us wellbeing and joy... yet actively doing them in our lives is a whole different story.

This could include things like... exercise, heath routines, proper nutrition, massage, laughter, cleansing our home, saying "no", and the list goes on.

Why? What is the reason for this?!

Even though it may seem like there are endless excuses for why we don't do these things... the reason why self care isn't working for so many, myself included at times, is because there is a deep belief that we don't believe we are worthy of self-care.

If we don't believe we deserve a stress-free life, or a beautiful body, or vibrant health, or anything we desire... then of course life will sure as hell make sure we don't get it. It's a twisted game of self-sabotage... and unfortunately its a losing game.

We are the sole creators of our realities. This can be challenging AND even more so I've found it can be empowering! We've all got such brilliant lights, and we should let the word see them. When we start to believe that we DO deserve radical self love and nourishment... our lives will reflect that belief!


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