New Free Online Mayan Dreamspell Training


We are all born with a seed of powerful magic within our soul.

However, from quite a young age, atleast in western society, this seed is lost and often goes unwatered and uncared for.

The Mayan Dreamspell is a system of the Mayan Calendar, created to align us with our true roots, and our true purpose.

There are 260 different signs within Mayan Astrology, and you are just ONE of them! ​

Connecting to this soul-self has the power to radically shift your whole reality and sense of purpose.

Time and time again, I have witnessed the magic of this system within my own life and all of those I share it with.

Unlocking the doors of our greatest service and activating the powerful magic within

The Mayan Dreamspell Calendar is nature-made. It moves with the natural rhythms of nature herself. ​

13 months, and 28 days in each month.

Symmetric, even, harmonious.

We even see these patterns in nature:

28 days for a woman's menstrual cycle

13 menstrual cycles per year

13 weeks in a season.

It's the natural fractal-structure of life. ​

When we align with this rhythm, and discover our unique rhythm within in according to our birthday, we live a life aligned with nature, abundance, health, wellness, and peace.

"Who owns your time owns your mind.
Change your time and you change your mind.
Change your mind and you change your world."

~ Jose Arguelles

An intensive apprenticeship for those who wish to learn, live, and embody the system of the mayan dreamspell

In these 13 weeks you will ground deeply in your unique expression and apprentice within the foundations of Mayan Dreamspell Astrology. This will give you the tools, skills, and confidence to go forth in the world and share your gifts! 

13 Week Facilitator Training

A session to awaken to your divine imprint, remember the soul-service you were born to embody. We will explore your birth chart, the current year transits you are facing, and design a unique ritual/practice for your energy.

Mayan Astrology Chart Reading


50% Complete

Two Step

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